Welcome to Mere Brow Bowling Club

A lovely green with beautiful surroundings, great bar facilities, outside seating & children’s play area. A perfect club to join, destination to visit or venue hire out

League Games

At Mere Brow Bowling club we are always looking for new members and to expand existing teams, so if your looking to play on a tem during the season

Green Hire

Are you a club looking to play somewhere different? Or maybe a group of friends who want to celebrate with a friendly competition. Fantastic outside seating and bar facilities make us a great destination to visit.


With excellent green and venue facilities, we love hosting club & open competitions.
If you would like to sponsor or use our venue for events, please get in touch

New Players

If you’ve never bowled before and are thinking about taking it up we’re happy to show new players the ropes. We have plenty of spare bowls on site

Social Bowling

If the greens free and you want to use it, come down and pay some greenage

About the Club

Mere Brow Bowling Club has a long history…